The INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TECHNOLOGY-DRIVEN CLIMATE ACTION, CLIMATECH, is a collaborative initiative between NED University of Engineering and Technology (NEDUET), Pakistan, and the University of the West of Scotland (UWS), United Kingdom. It aims to unite stakeholders from various sectors to promote knowledge exchange and awareness on Climate Change and the transformative potential of technology in addressing climate-related challenges. The conference is supported by the British Council and the Higher Education Commission (HEC) project: PAK-UK Education Gateway Mobility Partnership for Faculty



The primary objective of CLIMATECH is to foster engagement among various stakeholders, including academia, industries, government bodies, and consumers. It aims to provide a platform for the exchange of knowledge and awareness regarding Climate Change and the pivotal role that technology can play in undertaking Climate Action 


Key Highlights

  • Expert Insights: Distinguished professors from renowned universities in Scotland, UK, alongside eminent figures from academia, industry, and government sectors in Pakistan, will share their invaluable insights and experiences. This collective knowledge will serve as a catalyst for the development of a roadmap with a focus on technology-driven climate actions.
  • Knowledge Exchange: CLIMATECH will host a series of technical talks and panel discussions, offering attendees a unique opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of the latest advancements in climate-related technologies and strategies for effective climate action